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Be Our Friend

Become a friend of My Friend Linkin!


Touch the lives of those children living with cancer. Book publishing can be expensive. By donating to My Friend Linkin you are helping ensure that our mission to inspire and educate is being reached across vast audience.


What sets My Friend Linkin apart from other books about cancer is they are written through the eye of the beholder, in this case, the eye of a child. We make sure the integrity of the message is kept in every single book we publish.


The money we raise for our friends goes to their medical bills and what they see fit for their family. It's simple: the more books we sell, the more we make for the family.


No donation or sponsorship is too small (or big). Never donated to a non-profit? It's easy and tax-free! Contact us today and lets do this journey together!

Monthly Donations


$10 Donation

What you get

A free autographed copy of every book in the "My Friend" series.


$25 Donation

What you get

A free autographed copy of every book in the "My Friend" series, plus a yearly swag bag.


$50 Donation

What you get

A free autographed copy of every books in the "My Friend" series, a yearly swag bag, plus four (4) free tickets to our annual mini-golf outing.



Sponsor the Journey


Donate Here


This bundle pays for an entire friend's journey. From the beginning, a friend will be given a tablet along with a welcome kit filled with goodies and needed supplies every child who writes a book needs. 


This bundle pays for the printing of 750 books, one book signing, gas cards for the interviews, professional photo shoot, a an iPad and more.


Sponsor a Chapter

of the Journey


Donate Here


This bundle pays for a portion of a friend's journey. From the beginning, a friend will be given a tablet along with a welcome kit filled with goodies and needed supplies every child who writes a book needs. 


This bundle pays for the printing of 100 books, one book signing, an iPad and gas cards for the interview.


Sponsor the 

Title Page


Donate Here


Publishing books is an expensive business. From editors, designers, and printers, there's a lot that happens from a completed draft to print.


This bundle pays book printing of 50 books.


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